In a little musical instrument shop in Ireland, a woman playing piano and a man playing guitar sing songs. They don’t know each other, but they share two things very certainly: they love music and can play a musical instrument. They make beautiful harmonies even though there are no people listening to their music. Later, the woman and the man meet again and they pour all their energies into making a recording in a small recording booth for their first album. Those two moving scenes are from the movie Once, which I saw on November 3. A few days later, when the deep impression of Once had faded,
Keimyung University has tried to make an environment to help students study better and has implemented various systems to assist student self-study outside regular classes. Do you know what programs our university offers students to assist with their self-study? I examined how our university and each department have supported the many programs for student self-study. The Center for Teaching & Learning has supported the studying activities of professors and students for four years. They have three programs to aid student self-study. First, Keimyung Learning Community (KLC) is a program that hel
The 4th Educational Broadcasting System International Documentary Festival was held from August 27 to September 2. I was honored to be selected as a special judge to watch, review, and rate twelve documentaries. It was a very worthwhile experience, and I was very happy to see the twelve documentaries. All the documentaries were excellent and impressive, but I want to introduce you to the one movie, Shame. Mukhtar, a Pakistani woman, was publicly gang raped by members of a higher class in 2002. The attackers said it was punishment for Mukhtar’s younger brother dating a woman of their class. A p
A Rakugo performance was held on October 16 in Smith Hall. This performance was held by the Departments of Japanese Language and Literature and Japanese Studies. Rakugo is one of the most popular traditional Japanese entertainments. It is a kind of comic genre in which an entertainer plays many roles while sitting on a cushion. Shofukutei Kinfei showed a Rakugo performance for two hours using Korean and Japanese to enhance students’ understanding of Japanese culture. Not only our university’s students but also other universities’ students attended this performance and showed a lot of interest.
These days, it is very easy to find friends using Cyworld’s mini-homepage or Naver’s blog. Many people, including me, write their diaries and put photos on a mini-homepage or blog almost every day. They can communicate with their friends through these contents. However, many people just use a mini-homepage or blog as a means to communicate with their friends or for fun or to kill time. Do you know blogs and blogs’ surprising functions?Blog is a compound word of “web” and “log.” This word was first used in America in 1997. Ordinary people not only upload their diaries, columns, and articles but
Recently, I saw the movie Babel again. I experienced a world in which people can’t communicate when I saw Babel. Babel describes a clash of people who live in different worlds. The director Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu focuses on a sense of alienation among people in America, Mexico, Morocco, and Japan. Babel has four stories: the story of an American married couple who lose their third baby, Moroccan children who are misunderstood as terrorists, a Japanese father and his daughter who is a deaf-mute, and a Mexican woman who slips across the American border. These people face serious problems. A
A organist, Jang Dea-ho playing the organ in Adams Chapel on June 8. He playing 'Praeludium und Fuge g-moll BuxWV 149' and 'Danks sei Die.'
Keimyung University’s Speed Limit club is readying a car to take part in the “Mini Baja Competition” from June 7 to 10 in Rochester, New York. The competition is run by the American Society of Automotive Engineers and sponsored by companies such as Toyota, Honda, Polaris, and Briggs & Stratton. Students from universities around the world join the competition to enhance their practical experience.Speed Limit is the only Korean team to have joined this competition for four consecutive years. The leader of Speed Limit, Kim Soon-dong, said “We hope that our car, DD 07, will finish in the top ten.
On April 6 from 4 P.M to 6 P.M, students participated in a business English Cafe at the International Lounge.
The International Lounge's anniversary party was held on March 16. Faculty and students celebrated the Lounge's second anniversary and enjoyed a wine tasting.
Shin Sang-ok is well known as the husband of Choi Eun-hee, a star actress in the 1960s, and he was a director that created new style movies for the first time in Korea. He made many hit movies, for example, Sung Choon-Hyang, My Mother and Her Guest, and The Red Muffler, in the 1960s. He died on April 11, 2006, leaving his last film Winter Story.Shin Sang-ok founded the first Korean film company, Sheen Film, in 1966. Many 1960s’ movies were created by Sheen Film, and it has modernized Korean movies. He led a renaissance of Korean movies with the directors Yu Hyun-mok, Kim Soo-yong, and Kang Dae
Keimyung University starts its 3C Campaign next semester. Its goals are to improve relationships and increase interactions between Keimyung people and enlarge communication with society. The three main objectives are the opening of campus spaces, enhancing relationships, and the activating of student communities. Recently, our university has opened various facilities to the public such as the playground, the library, Hanhakcho’n, and Hengso Museum. Now, Keimyung is putting more focus on opening spaces for Keimyung people. Faculty administrative offices will be changed into comfortable and frie
The Keimyung University China Center starts the 1.5+3 Joint Program with Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU) this March. This program enables students to obtain degrees from BLCU by studying Chinese at the Keimyung University China Center for one and half years and then studying a major of their choice at BLCU for three years. Any high school graduate can apply for this program without a Chinese Proficiency Test (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) score or a Korean Scholastic Aptitude Test score. Students pay 2700,000 won for tuition at Keimyung University China Center each semester for one and