Brief on KMU

Thursday Evening Philosophy Seminar Entitled “Discourse”

The 474th Thursday Evening Philosophy Seminar entitled “Discourse,” held on April 5 in room 354 of Youngam Hall, was the first of four special discourse lectures. The next three will be held on April 12, 26, and May 3. “Discourse” is a very hot topic, as universities now incorporate tests for logical writing in their entrance exams. Special guests will be invited for these lectures.

The first discourse lecture focused on the very urgent demand for reading education and how philosophy educators cope with that demand. Son Dong-hyun, a professor of philosophy at Sungkyunkwan University, said, “It is very important to be able to think and write logically. We could experience things we haven’t experienced before by taking discourse education. Reading education strengthens critical thinking skills.”

If you want more information, visit the Department of Philosophy’s website: