Campus News

Kang Young-ha Received ‘president prize’ from Korea Textile Contest

‘The Korea Textile Design Contest’ was held at the Korea Design Center on July 27. This contest was held to encourage the importance of textile design and to discover talented people within the field. This contest is divided into printing and woven, knit, and embroidery, and the usage of art is interior, apparel, and accessory.

Kang Young-ha, a KMU student, received the presidential prize which is a first prize. She showed her artwork ‘Food Girl’ based on the theme of nature exploration. In her artwork, she reflected a complicated relationship between fruit and vegetables and meat raised by humans and the earth. Particularly, she received a higher score because of the expression of mass-production in her. The chairman of this contest said that her work of art is creative and has a merchantable quality that is reflected in current trends.