Campus News

UCC Competition

KMU people got first and second prizes at the UCC (User Created Contents) competition “Rice Fits Your Healthy Lifestyle!” under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food (MAFF).

On May 13, more than 100 people including student teams participated in the competition. Among them, Hwang Jin and Gu Hyun-hwa (Dept. of Food Science and Technology) won first and second prizes with works named “Goddess of Rice” and “Rice and wheat on a first name basis” respectively.

The aim of the competition was promoting the use of rice and introducing various rice foods to the public. Mr. Hwang showed a canapé with overcooked rice crust, and Ms. Gu introduced tortillas with a mixture of rice and wheat and rice powder sauce. They received credit for their ideas and creativity. They received certificates and prize money of 500,000 won and 300,000 won in Seoul AT Center.

Mr. Hwang said, “There are essential elements in food: taste, nutrition, and appearance. I will be in constant training to become a food stylist. Ms. Gu said, “I want to be a nutritionist, making good food in taste and nutrition by using Korean and Japanese traditional fermented foods.”