Elsevier, a world-renowned academic publisher, named Professor Ko Byoung Chul from the Department of Computer Engineering as a world's top 2% researcher of 2023 for his research regarding artificial intelligence. In addition to that, Prof. Ko received a commendation from the Minister of Science and ICT for his contributions in the field of AI research.
He stood out in enhancing transparency and understanding of AI technology through research on explainable AI and the development of behavioral recognition AI models. As the head of the AI Convergence Research Institute at KMU and founder of the Daegu AI Researchers’ Forum, he contributes to the cooperation and development of AI research in Daegu.
He expressed his honor to receive a valuable award and to be selected as a world's top 2% researcher. He said that he aims to bring positive changes to society through his research and become a scholar who constantly challenges and studies.