Campus News

2019 University Recruit Tour in Keimyung


The ‘2019 University Recruiting Tour’ was held in Uiyang Hall on Seung-seo campus on the 19th of October. In the event hall, thirty-six companies including local public corporations, participated to provide employment counseling and information. The event was organized by the Daegu Metropolitan Government, Daegu Chamber of Commerce& Industry and Keimyung University in a bid to actively deal with the deepening problem of local employment and expand the local talent training and youth publication opportunities. As an additional event, Park Jang-ho, CEO of employment, conducted a talk concert on how to prepare for employment and how to prepare a self- introduction letter. He offered his story of passing the special job training course to large companies and state-run companies even though he had graduated from a local university. In addition, the vocational aptitude test, which is a test for career design, drew attention to students.