Campus News

The Value and Use of Old Books in Joseon Period

Academia Koreana, a section of the Arts and Humanities Research Institute of Keimyung University held an academic conference on January 25 under the theme of the ‘Value and use of the old book in Joseon period.’ Currently, Dongsan Library’s advisory office has a total of 76,000 books of ancient manuscripts, includingmany which are considered national cultural assets. Among them, the conference discussed the value and use of the history Korean of the Korean language found in the volumes ‘Yuneum’ and ‘Samkanghaengsildo.’ In particular, the book titled “Yuneum’ describes in detail the nature of Yuneum during the reign of King Jeongjo.


The director of Academia Koreana commented, “The materials are valuable for traditional cultural heritage, however, there are currently no systematic or professional research activities with regards to the volumes.” He hopes that this conference will be used to create a foundation for research regarding the collection and to create a new field of study.