Brief on KMU

Nursing College of Keimyung University Acquiring Nursing Education Accreditation

From 2017, not all students from nursing colleges can apply for the National Health Personnel License in the nursing category after graduation. Nursing colleges from various universities should acquire the nursing education accreditation from the Korean Accreditation Board of Nursing Education. The accreditation determines nursing education programs that have reached the point of producing capable nurses to fulfill their social responsibilities as nurses. On December 30, 2014, the dean of the Nursing College of Keimyung University reported the Nursing College secured the nursing education accreditation. The Nursing College of Keimyung University gets to achieve recognition as an accredited nursing educational institution for 5 years until December 2019. Dean Lee, Byoung Sook considered this as a public acknowledgement of the excellent education, curriculum and condition of Keimyung’s Nursing College, and wants to improve the quality of nursing education as well as raising the academic performance of nursing students.