Brief on KMU

International Children's Game at Keimyung University

The Opening Ceremony of the International Children's Games (ICG) was held in outdoor auditorium at Keimyung University on Friday, July 13th. About 2000 students from 80 cities in 50 countries, including Korea, USA, and China participated in ICG.

The Opening Ceremony started with the entrance of Salbi, the Daegu mascot for track and field. Many performances such as Korean traditional dances and Taekwondo were performed. Also, there was a big effort to highlight Korean culture, including giving spectators Korean fans adorned with traditional Korean pictures. Although the weather was bad, the athletes and representatives were very interested in Korean culture.

ICG was held from Friday, July 13th to Tuesday, July 17th. There are seven sporting events, including swimming, track and field events, and taekwondo. The games were held at Keimyung University, Duryu swimming pool, and Duryu tennis court. The closing ceremony was on Monday 16th.