Brief on KMU

The Keimyung Presentation Competition of Dream, Hope and Future

On October 30, the final of 'The Keimyung Presentation Competition of Dream, Hope and Future' was held. At the preliminaries, 75 university students and 253 middle/high school students participated. By the time of the finals, 20 students (10 university students; 10 middle/high school students) made presentations about their dream, hope and future for 5 minutes each.

The purpose of the competition was to foster global leaders by making presentations on their ‘dream, hope and future’, and to help students to find their own self-images and abilities.

After the presentations, there was an awards ceremony. Jeogal Hyun-yul (senior, Dept. of Advertising and Public Relations) won the first award among the university students, and Lee Na-young (junior, Dowon high school) won the first award among the middle/high school students.