Campus News

Seventy-five Minute Classes

On November 12, the Dean of Academic Affairs announced Keimyung is going to carry out seventy-five minute classes along with the fifty minutes classes from 2010. Seventy-five minute classes are to improve the efficiency of three credit classes.

Seventy-five minute classes have many advantages. First, they can increase the efficiency of study. For example, fifty minute classes cost much time calling the roll, so it was hard for the students to study effectively in the remaining time. In addition, while the previous break time was only ten minutes, it has increased to been fifteen minutes, which means students can change lecture rooms easily. However, this system has weaknesses too. As seventy-five minute classes go on at the same time as fifty minutes classes, students might be disturbed by the noise caused by students changing their rooms.

A staff member in the Academic Affairs Team said, "We have collected the opinions of professors through the many conferences and exchanged opinions with the General Student Council through Student Support Team. In addition, before the start of the first semester next year, we are going to publicize the change via school newspapers and via the school homepage."