No.120 Puzzle
★Across★① A person who offers their service or help without being paid.⑤ The International ○○○○○○ : The place we can meet foreign exchange students and speak our second language.⑥ ○○○○ stands for Reserve Officer Training Corps.⑦ A ○○○○○○ is someone who is qualified in medicine and treats people who are ill.⑧ A ○○○ is an animal that you keep in your home to give you company and pleasure. Dogs, cats, fish and birds are examples of ○○○.⑨ If you ○○○○ someone, you touch them with your lips to show affection or sexual desire.☆Down☆② ○○○○○○○ time is when you are not working or studying and you can do
- Jin Hyun-ju
- 2006-08-17 15:20