Keimyung University is also trying to encourage students to study through group activities as a part of raising students' scholastic ability. Group study activities make students study hard, get a good GPA (Grade Point Average), and thereupon get a good job. The Gazette investigated study groups in Keimyung and what benefits students can get from the activities.
KLC (Keimyung Learning Community) recruits new members at the beginning of every semester. The number of the group is from five to seven per group, and a certificate is issued after finishing the course of KLC study. The themes of study topic are free.
You can download an application form and learning plans for KLC from the Data Room on the Web site http://kctl.kmu.ac.kr. The best group receives prize at an awards ceremony at the end of semester. The prizes are determined by each group's final study results report. This semester, twenty two groups are studying hard.
College Support
The College of Business Administration supports study groups. If you want to get support, you need to have at least five study members, and the members should belong to the College of Business Administration. The college recruits members four times a year: every semester and summer and winter vacation. The topics of study are free, and the college awards prizes for the best group, too. The best group receives a scholarship. Award ceremonies are held twice a year at the end of each semester. If you want more information, you can call 580-6362.
TOEIC Study Group Support
Keimyung University Job Placement Office supports TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) study groups with 20,000 won per person. If the groups want to get support, they need to have ten to twenty members, with an advising professor. They need to study more than two hours every week and all members should join the CAT TOEIC, the free on-line TOEIC education program provided by Keimyung University Job Placement Office. You can download an application form and study plan form on the Web site http://jobs.kmu.ac.kr.
KCTL's Study Skill-up Program
From April 30, KCTL (Keimyung Center for Teaching and Learning) is to hold a Study Skill-up Program every Wednesday for five weeks. Students can apply for each session in advance one week before the session starts. Students who take all the sessions will be given a certificate. You can apply to kctl@kmu.ac.kr and participate in the program on the 3rd floor of New Bauer Hall. More information is provided through the Web site http://kctl.kmu.ac.kr or call 580-6492~3.
To make an effective study group, you should have honesty and responsibility. For self-study, a detailed plan and clear goal are very important. Therefore, students should have patience and feel affinity for study.
If you can’t find a way to study effectively, don't feel depressed. Look around you. Many opportunities are waiting for you.
By Kim Hye-bin
KMG Editor in Chief
& Kwak Hye-jeong
KMG Career Reporter
KMG Editor in Chief
& Kwak Hye-jeong
KMG Career Reporter