No. 125 Puzzle


① Organizations, such as television, radio, and newspapers, that provide news and information for the public.

③ Living together as husband and wife, usually without being married.

⑤ Some people ○○○○○ their degrees.

⑦ The traditional board game of Korea.

⑨ The state or relationship of being husband and wife.

⑫ A loss of feeling in part of your body.


② Methods, systems, or devices which are the result of scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes.

④ An imaginary old man with a long white beard and a red coat.

⑥ The making of the universe, earth, and creatures by God

⑧ Korean royal ○○○○○○○ study was an important field.

⑩ One of the most famous classical composers.

⑪ The ○○○○○ is the holy book on which the Christian religion is based.