(* The interview was conducted in Korean and later translated into English.)
1. Please briefly introduce yourself.
Hello, I am May Phyu Zaw, a freshman graduate student majoring in Marketing Management in the Department of Business Administration in the Humanities & Social Sciences of the graduate school of Keimyung University.
2. I am sorry about the recent crisis in Myanmar. How are your family, friends, and acquaintances in Myanmar doing these days?
Before the crisis, my family lived in Yangon. But the condition of Yangon became so dangerous that we moved to our hometown, Mawgyun. It is a fortunate for our family that our hometown is still not as dangerous as Yangon and the other cities. Because of the crisis, my friends cannot go to work or live their normal life. I cannot tell you the exact situation because I do not have regular contact with them.
3. What kind of difficulties are you facing due to the recent crisis in Myanmar?
Currently, I'm confronting a lot of difficulties, but I'm especially worried about my family’s condition because I cannot keep in touch with them. Also, economic difficulties are common in Myanmar, so many Myanmar students are having a hard time studying in Korea with support from their family.
4. What do you think of the recent crisis in Myanmar?
We must fight to the end (against the military) and win. There were too many students who were shot by the military, and too many people have been killed. Many foreign investment projects and industries in Myanmar have now withdrawn, causing a lot of economic troubles.
Also, there are so many problems occurring in education. Nowadays, teachers are participating in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM), and students are protesting without going to school and adapting to the changed system. Therefore, I hope this complicated and painful crisis soon be solved.
5. In connection with the recent crisis in Myanmar, Keimyung University has given scholarships to international students from Myanmar. Did you get a scholarship?
It’s a pity but since I'm a government scholarship student, I didn't get a scholarship related to the crisis.
6. Regarding the recent crisis in Myanmar, is there anything you want from Keimyung University or South Korea?
I am very grateful to Keimyung University for giving scholarships and providing a lot of support. And I know that most Koreans care about the crisis, so I am also very grateful to Koreans. I hope Koreans will continue to hold Myanmar's hands and be supportive for Myanmar's citizens.