University students’ part-time job preferences

University students account for a high rate of part-timers, so a new survey asked university students about their part-time job preferences using a google survey. During May 5-9, 100 university students responded to the survey. The survey included questions regarding type of part-time job, what is considered when looking for a job, preferred work pattern, and preferred work period.

1. What is your favorite type of part-time job?
1) Service (33%) 2) Instructor (24.5%) 3)Serving/Kitchen (18.1%) 4)Store management/Sales (16%) 5) Office (8.5%)
2. What do you consider when you look for a job?
1) Observance of minimum wage (45%) 2) Distance between home (27%) 3) No overtime (14%) 4) Making employment contract (8.6%) 5) Offering meal time (5.3%)
3. What is your fa vorite a work pattern?
1) With a few colleagues (55.3%) 2) With many colleagues (24.5%) 3) Alone (20.2%) 4) With owner (0%)
4. What is your favorite working period?
1) Under 6 months (63.8%) 2) Under a month (23.4%) 3) 6 months or more (12.8%)
4) A day (0%)

The results of the survey showed that the highest rated responses were service, observance of minimum, with a few colleagues and under 6 months for each question. It is interesting to note that working with the owner and a day were not selected by anyone.