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New Government Policy for University Education System

In order to prepare for the fourth industrial revolution, the Ministry of Education announced that Korea should cultivate talented people by changing the university education system. The Ministry of Education wants universities to be ready to adapt and flourish in this new era. They announced 15 plans including a flexible semester system, intensive courses, interdisciplinary education, and online courses. The purpose of the new plan is to provide varied learning opportunities for students and make a Korean university education available internationally. If these plans go into effect, students will have more control over how they complete a university degree, and universities can export educational programs without opening branch schools abroad.

● Flexible semester system and intensive courses
Nowadays, universities have a two-semester school year with additional classes available during summer and winter breaks. However, with the introduction of the flexible semester system and intensive courses, universities can become more flexible. With the flexible semester system, a university can divide each year into more than two semesters, and each year may be operated on different semester schedules. For example, the first year is divided into three semesters. The first semester would be an orientation semester, so freshmen can adjust to school. The fourth year is divided into four semesters, and students who are searching for jobs can gain work experience during the fourth semester (see Table 1). In intensive courses, professors can implement course curriculum in any way they choose as long as they comply with the standards. For example, they can divide a course into two parts: teaching and training. If a professor holds a course in the third semester of the year (July to August), he will concentrate on giving lectures during July and giving students hands-on experience in August. This way students have an opportunity to apply what they learn in real life.

● Expansion of education opportunities
The government wants to expand and ensure diverse learning opportunities for students by introducing interdisciplinary education. Interdisciplinary education is a system that combines courses from different majors. Students can graduate with an interdisciplinary studies major instead of a major in the department of their studies. To help develop interdisciplinary studies, the Ministry wants all universities to join a consortium to share information and resources about their interdisciplinary majors and programs. The Ministry plans to develop web-based software like or for students and teachers to access the information and resources. The introduction of interdisciplinary studies can resolve conflicts in a university caused by the merging of departments. This system does not damage existing departments by integrating or closing the curriculum.
To help seniors get jobs, the Ministry announced a new policy that allows students to delay graduation without penalizing universities. Currently, more than 100,000 college students have delayed graduation because of difficulties in finding employment. Some universities have conflict with students about delaying graduation because universities get poor assessments if they have a high number of seniors. Students delay graduation because companies don’t want to hire graduates. This new policy will give students more time to find jobs without hurting their universities.

● Expansion of moving and online classes
Currently, universities don’t offer classes outside of their campuses, so there are many people who can’t get an education due to various limitations like teachers in rural areas, national athletes, and professional soldiers. However, if moving classes are allowed, professors can teach at certain locations outside of their universities. This increases the chances for people who have limited educational opportunities to study. In addition, credits through online classes can count for up to 20 percent of credits required for graduation. With this system, students can take the same classes as normal university classes but at times and places that are more convenient.

● Overseas expansion of domestic universities
The Ministry plans to create an overseas franchise system to attract foreign students to get a degree from universities in Korea. In this system, a domestic university approves the right of a foreign university to use the domestic university’s curriculum. The Ministry of Education said that if this system is introduced, it will be a way for students from developing countries who can’t come to Korea due to financial or work-related reasons to receive Korean university degrees within their own country.
In conclusion, the Ministry of Education hopes to tear down the walls between universities and students through these new policies. If implemented, students will be able to study online, in moving classes or new interdisciplinary majors. In addition, domestic universities are slow to extend their businesses abroad, so it is expected that they will be able to enter overseas markets more easily. Many disadvantaged people can have education opportunities through the distance learning system, and college students who worry about getting a job can delay their graduation through delay graduation system.
On the basis of the above information announced by the Ministry of Education, all universities in Korea are changing their academic systems. Each university is holding a presentation based those policies. In addition, Jeju National University operates a ‘student supporter’ group to get student input about the new university education system.

● New KMU education system
Keimyung University has changed some things based on the Ministry of Education policies. Bachelor’s degrees have changed, and a new major has been added to the College of Engineering. In addition, there are interdisciplinary studies programs for students affiliated with certain departments.
First, the Artech College was established at KMU, so a number of departments changed. Artech is a combination of art and technology, which means a combination of art and engineering. The Department of Creative Writing, major in music production, major in photography and related media, major in video and animation, and major in visual communication design belong to the Artech College. Therefore, for students who have been told unilaterally, if students who want to obtain a degree from the commencement of admission, students can request university administration office before graduation.
Second, in the College of Engineering, a new major called mechatronics is offered in the Department of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering. The major in mechatronics is a combination of mechanical and electronic engineering. This major is scarce nationwide and highly valuable, so it is highly likely to be developed.
Third, some departments of KMU offer interdisciplinary majors. They are CORE (initiative for college of humanities’ research and education) and CMEP (creative media contents education program). CORE is for students of the College of Humanities and International Studies, and CMEP is for students of the Artech College.
Only students in the College of Humanities and International Studies can participate in CORE. In addition, there are many programs for these students such as overseas internships and field trips to overseas enterprises. Students can improve their global business abilities by participating in these programs.
CMEP is only for Artech College students. If students complete the four non-major subjects among Artech College subjects, they can graduate with media minors. The purpose of this program is to develop students with more varied abilities.
Besides these programs, there are many programs for Keimyung students. KMU has developed many programs specific to the characteristics of each department in preparation for the fourth industrial revolution. The table 2 below shows the programs and related departments.

These are some of the ways that KMU’s education system is changing. Through interdisciplinary education, new majors, and new programs, students can broaden their academic horizons by learning various subjects, as well as their majors. In addition, the programs that are capable of improving students’ abilities are continuously developing and evolving.