It’s unnecessary to accept refugees into our country. I’m not being too serious about this problem because my basic point is that it’s perfectly fine if they get Korean citizenship. They get to be normal citizens by completing the citizen requirements and then they get to exercise their rights. A controversial problem in accepting refugees is if it’s possible to accept the cultural differences or not. In fact, they make a lot of trouble through cultural conflicts. So far, people are reluctant to accept them and have no emotional room for them. Most importantly, volunteering to accept refugees is optional not mandatory.
By Kim Dong-Hui
Senior, Department of Education
Senior, Department of Education

It has been quite interesting for laypeople like me to see how different countries react differently to the refugees coming from the Middle East to Europe. Among the variety of responses, Germany’s attitude captivated me the most. It was truly a triumph of humanism. German people showed up with signs that said “Willkommen” (welcome in German), showing a positive opinion about accommodating others in their nest. However, it occurred to me that a fundamental problem is yet to be solved; refugees have been ceaselessly coming to Europe for decades.
By Annah Miller
Senior St. Ambrose University
Senior St. Ambrose University

I think that more countries need to follow the example of Germany and take in more refugees. The influx of immigrants is so great that it is impossible for one country, or even two or three countries, to singlehandedly be able to provide sanctuary for the refugees in the long term. It takes a lot of resources to house and care for refugees in the short term and to help them find jobs, etc. in the long term. The influx of refugees is not slowing down. It is necessary for European countries to share the burden of providing sanctuary for the refugees. European countries need to work together to come up with the best solution for handling the refugee crisis.
By Baek Min Ha
Freshmen Yonsei University
Freshmen Yonsei University

As a student who is interested in international issues. This is a very controversial and ethical problem. I believe that the refugees that are headed to Europe have no other choice but to do so. Therefore, they have made the best choice in their situation and our global community must help such people who don’t have another choice. We need to consider them as a part of our society and embrace them so that they recover from the terrible situation in their home countries and continue to build their own lives. Everyone needs the chance to start over and abandoning such refugees seems to be an inhumane act to me. I am glad that countries are showing positive reactions to this and hope that it continues.
By Mai Tong Vang
Senior, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University
Senior, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University