
Do you enjoy watching movies? The Keimyung Gazette carried out a survey on movies with 200 university students.

1. What is your favorite movie genre?
① Drama or romance (38%)
② Crime or thriller (24%)
③ Action (16%)
④ Fantasy or horror (13%)
⑤ Comedy (9%)

2. How many times do you watch movies a month?
① 2~5 times (57%)
② Less than twice (33%)
③ 6~10 times (7%)
④ More than 10 times (3%)

3. How do you like to watch a movie?
① At the theater (56%)
② Download the movie from a Web-site (39%)
③ Buy the DVD or video (3%)
④ Other (2%)

4. Where do you get information about movies?
① Communication media (television, Web-site, SNS) (56%)
② Printed media (newspaper, magazine) (19%)
③ Friends or acquaintances (17%)
④ Outdoor advertising (5%)
⑤ Other (3%)

5. When you choose a movie, what do you consider most?
① Genre or story (55%)
② Actor or director (21%)
③ Reviews (12%)
④ Box-office ranking (10%)
⑤ Other (2%)

The Keimyung Gazette found that lots of students like drama or romance movies.
Also, many students watch movies at the theater, and the story and the genre of the movie are the most important criteria when students choose a movie. Finally, 56% of students get information about movies from communication media.