
Interntional Middle Schools

An international middle school is a school for raising talented students in the age of globalization. Because of bribes at Younghoon International Middle School, there is a controversy over international middle schools.

A few months ago, a son of a Samsung Electronics executive applied for the social consideration system in Younghoon International Middle School and was admitted. The social consideration system is for students who have difficulty in entering the school because of expensive school fees. Some officials in the school changed his grades and took bribes. Because of these illegal activities, people say that international middle schools have to be regulated more strictly.

One of the reasons is international middle schools are used for privileged education. Many schools accept students only from specific cities. For example, Daewon and Younghoon international middle schools take only students who live in Seoul. Hence, many students who want to enter international middle schools can’t. Also, over half of the students entering Daewon International Middle School in Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, were from Gangnam from 2011 to 2013. Parents in Gangnam have much more resources for study than other districts’ parents. Even if students live in Guro-gu or Gangbuk-gu in Seoul, it is hard to enter international middle schools.

Second, the evaluation of grades from elementary schools does not function properly. Scores are evaluated as very good, good, normal, and need more effort. Originally, elementary schools evaluated scores at 3 levels, but they changed it because of the standard in international middle schools. Students who want to go to an international middle school have to get very good in all subjects. A few years ago, a parent demanded a teacher change her daughter’s score from good to very good because her daughter wanted to apply to an international middle school. Like this, marks in elementary schools are affected by international middle schools, so there is a possibility of giving bribes to teachers to change scores.

Lastly, international middle schools are a way to get admission into special-purpose high schools and top universities. It encourages private education. Most of the classes in international middle schools are taught in English, so it is hard to understand the class when students are not fluent in English. Because of that, students who want to get into an international middle school study late at academies.

International middle schools encourage private education, are used for privileged education, and affect grades in elementary schools. For these reasons, I agree with regulating international middle schools more strictly.

By Lee Na-eun
KMG Reporter


A few months ago, irregularities in Young-hoon International Middle School’s admissions caught people’s attention. International middle schools were founded to foster global persons of talent and students’ English ability. However, if these schools are restricted, international middle schools’ advantages will disappear. Therefore, it is important to keep the independence of international middle schools.

First, international middle schools have a different curriculum compared to general schools. These schools increase students’ communication ability by conducting speech and discussion classes. Furthermore, they provide various after-school activities for students. For example, Daewon International Middle School provides after school activities such as tennis, squash, kendo and golf. Moreover, the objective of the Ministry of Education is diversification of education. International middle schools’ education meets this objective. Compared to public education that runs a standardized curriculum, international middle schools give various classes and make us think about the need to change public education.

Second, international middle schools foster future people of talent. In activity classes that all students participate in, such as debating and speech class, students lead the class themselves. Through these classes, students develop their creativity. Creativity is an important requirement for future people of talent. These students are also awarded prizes in many contests like essay contests, the Korea Math Olympiad, and idea contests. Students who enter many contests have more confidence. Through these many opportunities, students get many advantages such as creativity, communication ability, and thinking power. Thus, international middle school students develop their ability and these experiences can be the foundation of future people of talent.

Third, international middle schools aim to make students a global human resource. These schools teach classes in English. Also, students expand their view of the world through culture classes with foreigners, exchange with other international schools, joining the UNESCO Associated School Net, and like Daewon International Middle School, doing voluntary service assisting immigrant workers’ children who lack Korean ability in Daewon Korean School. Students learn understanding and global experience through these direct activities.

International middle schools have many advantages. However, students have few opportunities to receive the excellent education in international middle schools. I think it is better to keep the advantages of international middle schools’ better education, and the government should increase the number of international middle schools.

By Kim Young-jin
KMG Junior Reporter