Nowadays, spending among university students has become a significant social issue, so the Keimyung Gazette investigated Keimyung students' daily spending habits. We questioned 200 students at Keimyung.
1. Where do you usually get your money?
① from parents (56%) ② part-time job (10%)
③ from parents and part-time job (27%) ④ others (7%)
1-1. If you get pocket money, how much do you receive?
① less than 100,000 won (12%) ② 100,000~200,000 won (24%)
③ 200,000~300,000 won (35%) ④ 300,000~400,000 won (23%)
⑤ more than 400,000 won (6%)
1-2. If you have a part-time job, how much do you make per hour?
① under 3500 won (9%) ② 3500~4000 won (47%) ③ 4000~5000 won (23%)
④ more than 5000 won (21%)
2. For which purpose do you spend your pocket money?
① for food and transportation (59%) ② Shopping (12%)
③ for buying teaching materials (5%) ④ for dating (5%)
⑤ for entertainment (17%) ⑥ Others (2%)
3. Do you save some of your money?
① Yes (52%) ② No (48%)
3-1. If you save money, why do you do it?
① for tuition fees (14%) ② for traveling expenses (22%)
③ for studying abroad (14%) ④ for material wants (26%)
⑤ others (24%)
4. How much do you think you should spend in a month?
① less than 100,000 won (2.5%) ② 100,000~200,000 (21.5%)
③ 200,000~300,000 (53%) ④ 300,000~400,000 (20.5%)
⑤ more than 400,000 won (2.5%)
The Keimyung Gazette found that about half of Keimyung students are able to save some of the money that they receive. Also, most students receive money from their parents and use their money mainly for food and transportation costs.