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Better Interviews

1. The present condition and the prospect of getting jobs in large companies

Since the currency crisis in 1997, the economic climate and prospects of Korea have been uncertain. As companies curtail hiring because of high wages, job applicants have difficulty in getting jobs in large companies. In the past, large companies employed applicants not only from universities in the Seoul and Gyeonggi areas but also in other provinces. However, nowadays, only graduates of first-class universities can get jobs in large companies. This employment situation may continue for a while.

2. The trend of interview questions

For getting jobs in large companies, grades or entrance examinations are important, but interviews also have a big influence. These days, employers prefer applicants who have a novel idea and an active mind. However, applicants should keep in mind the fact that most interviewers are usually at the position of executive, and they have some conservative thinking. In addition, interviewers keep close watch on the attitude interviewees take: personality, character, loyalty, etiquette, etc. Furthermore, common sense about current events and the economic situation is also necessary in preparing for possible interview questions. Lastly, interviewees should have much information about the company they want to apply for: sales, product information, labor-management relations, etc.

3. Major questions interviewers ask (based on case studies)

1) Questions about current events or political affairs ? Interviewers want to know applicants’ personal inclination about politics. Applicants should answer conservatively about political questions.

Ex. Q. 1. What do you think of the Teachers’ Union?
A. 1. I oppose the action of the Teachers’ Union. I think they should reduce their part in politics and do their duties as educators.

Ex. Q. 2. What is your opinion about the candlelight rally?
A. 2. I think the original intention of the meeting is fading. Some students participate in the rally just for fun.

2) Questions about the current economic situation - Interviewers evaluate applicants’ sense of the economy and the ability to diagnose economic problems and their effects.

Ex. Q. 1. Should the Korea-America Free Trade Agreement (FTA) be concluded?
A. 1. The FTA can profit the country and improve the economic situation of Korea. For example, automobile and textile industries can benefit from the FTA’s conclusion because they are cheaper than America’s goods.

4. To become a wise interviewee

1) A self-introduction

As an interview is important from the beginning to the end, candidates should prepare their self-introduction for a long time to answer better at their interview. They should emphasize their strong points to make themselves interesting. However, they shouldn’t forget to include basic information about their school, major, social experience, and other qualifications.

2) Answering

Almost every interviewee knows that fast speech and too much emotional tension negatively affect the result of an interview. Interviewers will be impressed by logical speaking at the proper speed and volume. In answering a question you don’t know well, you should say that you don’t know it well rather than answer it superficially because it might make interviewers ask you other related questions in depth. Furthermore, interviewees should show their problem-solving abilities concerning current social matters or the economic situation.

By Park Sa-lom
KMG Junior Reporter