Colorful Daegu Festival

2018.04.03 17:39:51

● Location: Gukchae-bosang-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
● Date: 2018.05.05 ~ 2018.05.06

The 2018 Colorful Daegu Festival will be held from May 5 to 6 in Gukchae-bosang Ro. This is a world-sized and citizen-based participation festival. The theme of the festival is passion and the theme color is red.
The festival is full of enjoyable events for everyone, with the main event being the parade. The other event areas include a masquerade, flea market, and citizen performances. The masquerade will carry forward an event subject, hope, and will have balloons for kids as well as a hot-air balloon.
There is also an art festival in the streets. The street art consists of D(Dynamic), A(Art), E(Entertainment), G(Good), and U(Unique) zones throughout the Gukchae-bosang Memorial Park and from the Jungang Intersection to Jonggak. Street Arts presents spectators with various genre performances in and different content in each zone.
There will also be many art markets and food trucks in the Gukchae-bosang Memorial Hall. You can see a chandlery of local artists and buy goods in the art markets. Also, there will be various events like a ‘treasure hunt’ connecting to other festivals, winning the Colorjigi which is the festival’s volunteer, and collecting mission stickers which can be found in the DAEGU zones.
English speakers can also participate because of translation services. It will be an exciting festival and one of the best events this spring. If you want to know more information, visit the homepage
Kang Na-yeong
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