Hamburger Disease

  • 등록 2017.09.05 00:47:55

Have you ever heard of hamburger disease? It’s a funny name for a serious condition. The hamburger disease’s exact name is the Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS), which is caused by certain strains of Escherichia coli (E. coli). E. coli has an incubation period of 3-8 days. After the incubation period, symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal cramping happen. HUS usually develops in children after five to ten days of diarrhea. HUS occurs when damaged red blood cells block the kidneys’ filter system. Two to 14 days after the onset of diarrhea, the urinary output decreases and anemia begins. Swelling, high blood pressure, and neurological symptoms such as convulsions and coma can occur. Anyone can get HUS, but it is most dangerous for infants, children and the elderly. Measures such as kidney dialysis and blood transfusions are needed consistently after HUS gas been contracted.

Recently, in Korea, a child who got this disease has become a big issue. On July 5, this child’s family sued McDonald’s for breaching food safety law. The family claim that the child got HUS because of an under cooked patty. The child ate a hamburger in a McDonald’s in Pyeongtaek last September. After two to three hours, the child complained of a stomachache. After that, the symptoms worsened to include bloody diarrhea. Three days later the child was hospitalized and had to dialysis. It is unclear exactly what happened, so the police and prosecutor’s office are still investigating this incident.

Many people first learned about hamburger disease through that incident, so now they are concerned how to prevent this disease. The following guidelines will help prevent HUS. E. coli exist mostly in livestock’s internal organs and excrement, so, meat must be cooked until the center is 70 degrees Celsius. In addition to meat, you must also be careful about contaminated vegetables, juice, raw milk, mayonnaise, and sausage. You should also wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet or changing diapers. You should wash your whole body thoroughly after using swimming pools because they can become polluted by excrement.

HUS is a serious disease which damages the kidneys and their ability to function, so, advanced prevention is the safest way to protect yourself from the disease. It is best to always recognize the dangers of illnesses and how to protect yourself.
Na Ye-bin
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