Volunteer Military System

2014.10.17 16:45:19

A volunteer military is a system in which people apply for the military. This system has become a subject of discussion because of a series of incidents in the military. However, there is serious debate among people about its pros and cons.


Recently, assault incidents have occurred at military bases. Therefore, debates about the military are ongoing. A volunteer military system is recruiting people who want to participate in the military without drafting people. Many other countries have adopted volunteer military systems. Although Korea has conscription now, a volunteer military system has many advantages.

First, it can reduce human rights abuses and incidents at military bases. For example, Private Yoon died at a military base in Gyeonggi-do. 4 soldiers bullied him continuously and finally they caused his death. When the case was first reported, the media reported that the cause of his death was suffocation. However, on July 31, the Military Human Rights Center announced the truth. The offenders had bullied Yoon because his talking and movements were slow. They even hit him the day before he died. Time Research and Consulting carried out a survey about violence in army units with 806 men and women. 68.8% of the 326 people who had experienced army service answered they had experienced assault and harassment in their units, and 12.3% of people answered they had experienced sexual abuse or rape. If a volunteer military system is introduced and soldiers become civil servants, military incidents will diminish because civil servants get more stern punishment like dismissal or imprisonment when they do unethical things.

The second advantage of a volunteer military system is it can help specialize and modernize the military. The conscription system has limitations because the drafted soldiers return to society after their service. However, volunteer soldiers can learn professional military technology. People say that a volunteer military system means decreasing the number of soldiers, so it will be a threat to national security. However, modern battles are influenced by advanced technologies and high-level weapons, rather than troops. Some military experts predict if Korea introduces a volunteer military service system, the number of soldiers will decrease from 630,000 to 300,000. However, that’s not a serious thing because the Korean military can import advanced technology like high-tech intercept missiles and anti-tank weapons. Therefore, 300,000 soldiers are enough to protect Korea.

Many countries now have chosen a volunteer military system or a part-volunteer military system. Korea also should consider it. It can be the future of our military.

By Choi Yu-jin
KMG Junior Reporter

Recently, there have been incidents in the army such as the case of Private Yoon. The army announced that Private Yoon died because of suffocation. However, after an investigation, the truth of his death was revealed. His seniors hit him, made him eat sputum, and forced him not to sleep. Moreover, they threatened him not to speak about their abuse to his family. After these events, he killed himself. Because of this, various alternatives have been suggested to change the army culture. Among these alternatives, the strongest suggestion is a volunteer military system. A volunteer military system is a system that recruits people who want to participate in the army. These soldiers become professional soldiers. However, there are two main reasons that Korea should not implement a volunteer military system.

First of all, a volunteer military system cannot solve the harmful actions in the army. People say that we need to change the army to reduce harmful acts. However, we can see problems even in the USA, which has operated a volunteer military system for a long time. Examples of the problems are Harry Lou and Danny Chen. Harry Lou slept when he was on duty. Then, he got the punishment of wearing an assault jacket and sand bags when he did exercise. He got abuse for a long time, too. After this, he chose suicide. Private Danny Chen was beaten by multiple people because of his race. Like this, army problems are not solved even in volunteer military systems like the USA.

Secondly, the Republic of Korea is still a divided country. The plan to reduce the army and change from a conscription system to a volunteer military system might be dangerous. The number of soldiers in a volunteer military system will be far less than the current system. If we reduce our army, North Korea might become a threat to us. Its army is around 1.2 million and our army is around 650,000. Moreover, North Korea spends the most on the army compared to its GDP. This means if our army reduces its size and changes into a volunteer military, our country might be attacked by North Korea. This would be dangerous to our national security.

There are several reasons that a volunteer military system should not be implemented. It is hard to change to a volunteer military system because of the problems in the army and the fact that we are a divided country. Therefore, the conscription system is a much better system currently. The wiser choice is to choose an army system that fits the country’s national security situation.

By Jang Ah-hae
KMG Editor
Choi Yu-jin cscom170@kmu.ac.kr
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