Lee Hwa-eon, the Ex-president of Daegu Bank, Awarded an Honorary Doctorate Degree at a Doctor Conferment Ceremony

2009.04.06 11:22:06

On March 27th, Keimyung University awarded an honorary doctorate degree to Lee Hwa-eon, the former president of Daegu Bank, in a conferment ceremony in Adams Chapel.

Lee Hwa-eon highly contributed to the local economy by developing Daegu Bank as a superior bank among non-capital banks; he operated Daegu Bank with open-minded and transparent management, and global-senior financing techniques. In addition, he was highly valued as a talent financer. He based his work on the ethical practice of enterprise, and he carried out his social responsibility and contributed to the eco-social community by introducing ecological management.

The conferment ceremony proceeded under a solemn and pious atmosphere, with a congratulatory address by Woo Tong-ki, the former president of Yeungnam University, and a performance by the Keimyung Symphonic Band.
Cho Min-sung cho5744@kmu.ac.kr
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