Intensive Training Program for Teachers of English

  • 등록 2008.04.28 10:44:16

Keimyung University has a lot of education programs for English to help students receive high quality education in English and a good command of English. As an example, the International Education Center started to teach middle and high school English teachers from 2005 through the Keimyung "Intensive Teacher Training Program" for teachers of English.

To apply for this program, a certificate of teaching English is required. In the case of this semester, sixty four trainees are participating in this program. Trainees' schedules mostly consist of classes using English, and the purpose of this training program is to make the trainees, teaching students at their schools, use and teach English more professionally. The program also helps to develop many teaching skills and to plan school English lessons. To make the English-immersion environment efficient, trainees can't use Korean in the English Zone. If they do, they receive penalties.

After finishing studying the course in Keimyung University for five months, trainees can have the benefit of studying in the United States or Australia. This semester forty six students are to go to America and twenty-one students to Australia for four weeks.

The teacher training program consists of a core course, collaborative activities, and extracurricular activities. The entire course consists of various English-immersion programs and core classes including speaking, listening, reading, and writing. In the case of collaborative activities, they have debate, intensive listening, screen English, and teaching English through music.

Yoon Sang-hyun, senior administrative coordinator in Keimyung Intensive Teacher Training, said, "The Intensive Training Program for teachers of English started in 2005. The English training program of Keimyung University will keep developing its excellence. Hence, trainees' satisfaction will surely grow more and more."

By Yoo Ho-sang
KMG Reporter
Yoo Ho-sang
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