What is FISEP?

  • 등록 2008.04.01 05:43:21

It's been 4 years that I have been studying as a member of FISEP in Keimyung University. I've had lots of experiences that make me more valuable.

First of all, let me introduce FISEP. FISEP (Fashion & International Specialist Education Program) is a program providing classes related to the global fashion industry and English for International Studies, Commercial Studies, and Fashion Studies. It's not easy to say exactly what FISEP is in a sentence but I,personally, think FISEP helps you to spend time differently from others. You need to take more courses than your classmates to gain information from specialists in the fashion industry. You'd better study more to compete with the other students and learn more to become a better you, once you join FISEP. You can also meet smart and diligent friends studying different subjects. I bet it's an important opportunity for students to share their views in various ways.

On reflection, I have taken many classes related to fashion marketing and international commerce, and even foreign languages, English and Japanese. Those courses made me busy every semester but helped me to broaden practical knowledge and improve foreign languages. Moreover, there were many chances to go abroad. I completed an intensive English program at Australian National University and met many friends from various countries. When I was in Italy in the summer of 2006, I visited some offices of famous fashion companies, learned fashion marketing at a fashion school, Poly Moda in Florence, and worked with classmates as a team to make a new brand. Those experiences made it possible to understand different culture sand realize how much I need to learn to work in the international market.

One of the reasons that I really appreciate FISEP highly is people who I have met through the program. They always look for information to grasp an opportunity for their dreams and work hard with great passion. The other attractive aspect of FISEP is that you can get a chance to learn other subjects. Students need to cover several areas of the curriculum these days to be "multiplayers," good at many fields.

I suggest you consider applying to FISEP if you want to be someone special. It will give you memorable experiences, practical knowledge, and important people in your life.

By Choi Ji-hyun
(Senior, Dept. European Studies)
Yoo Ho-sang enterprise65@kmc.ac.kr
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