What Do You Think of the Campus PC Rooms?

  • 등록 2008.02.29 13:18:38

The Gazette questioned 200 Keimyung University students about our university’s PC rooms.

Q1. How many times do you go to a university PC room each week?
① Rarely or seldom 12 (6%) ② 1~2 times (17%) ③ 3~4 times 48 (24%)
④ 5~6 times 37 (18.5%) ⑤ More than 7 times 69 (34.5%)

Q2. Why do you go to the PC room?
① To print reports and lecture notes 117 (58.5%)
② To do homework 55 (27.5%)
③ To read the school news 15 (7.5%)
④ To take computer courses 8 (4%)
⑤ To use my blog 5 (2.5%)

Q3. Which PC room is the most comfortable to use?
① Youngam Hall 100 (50%) ② Social Science Building 63 (31.5%)
③ Baekeun Hall 10 (5%) ④ Shattuck Hall 10 (5%) ⑤ Euiyang Hall 6 (3%)
⑥ Smith Hall 5 (2.5%) ⑦ Osan Hall 3 (1.5%) ⑧ The Engineering Building 3 (1.5%)

Q4. What is the reason for you answer to question 3.
① Its computers are in good condition 75 (37.5%)
② The printers work well 49 (24.5%)
③ There are many seats available 38 (19%)
④ The room is quiet and clean 26 (13%)
⑤ Other 8 (4%)
⑥ The assistants are very kind 4 (2%)

Q5. Which PC room is the most uncomfortable to use?
① Social Science Building 84 (42%) ② Shattuck Hall 39 (19.5%)
③ Baekeun Hall 19 (9.5%) ④ Osan Hall 16 (8%)
⑤ Youngam Hal 15 (7.5%) ⑥ Euiyang Hall 14 (7%)
⑦ Smith Hall 13 (6.5) ⑧ The Engineering Building 0 (0%)

Q6. What is the reason for your answer to question 5?
① Its computers are not in good condition 80 (40%)
② There aren’t many seats available for use 50 (25%)
③ The printers don’t work well 30 (15%)
④ The room is noisy and dirty 25 (12.5%)
⑤ The assistants are unhelpful 15 (7.5%)

Q7. What do we need to do to improve the conditions of the PC rooms?
① Add more computers 91 (45.5%)
② Cut down the printing price 47 (23.5%)
③ Improve users' manners 32 (16%)
④ Upgrade the computers 23 (11.5%)
⑤ Have more helpful assistants 7 (3.5%)

Q8. What do you think should be the price for printing one page?
① Free 20 (10%) ② 10 won 14 (7%) ③ 20 won 52 (26%) ④ 30 won 61 (30.5%)
⑤ 40 won 3 (1.5%) ⑥ 50 won 50 (25%)

By Yoo Ho-sang
KMG Reporter
Yoo Ho-sang enterprise65@kmc.ac.kr
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