The 2008 Keimyung Promotional Event for High School Students

2007.12.03 17:41:01

From November 19 to December 7, KMU is holding promotional events in Adams Chapel for 32,000 high school students from the Daegu and Gyeongbuk area.

At these events, there are public relations videos, student performances, and recreational activities. The events also highlight the Keimyung International College (KIC), several degrees in the College of Foreign Languages, and a variety of specialist education programs. In addition, information is given about the new Department of English Education.

The university also announced that from 2008, in accordance with Ministry of Education guidelines, it will consider participation in elective classes when choosing incoming freshmen.

Transrated by Kwak Chul-min
KMG Junior Reporter
Kim Su-jin
< Copyright 2006 / The Keimyung Gazette. All rights reserved.>

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