The Fins that Help You Swim Far in the World

2006.12.11 15:44:59

Which is your life like, a tuna or a flatfish? The autobiography of Hong Jung-wook, Afterwards Seven Acts Seven Scenes, on its first page likens types of lives to tuna and flatfish. Tunas must swim as soon as they are born because they have to soak up water into their gills to breathe. When tunas swim they breath, and while tunas are breathing they stay alive. When tunas sleep, they rest their brains but they keep swimming. Therefore, tunas should live in a vast sea because they should go far and wide in the world. However, flatfish are completely different to tunas. Flatfish hide and live under the sand. In addition, they move only when they see prey or are moved by the waves. Flatfish drift rather than swim. Accordingly, even though they live in a vast sea, their life is the same as living in a pool.

We can apply the lives of tunas and flatfish to our own lives. Tunas are active people, and flatfish are passive people. Active people know what they want and they step forward. On the other hand, passive people don’t know what they want and just follow the public’s steps. Now, you shouldn’t be a person like a flatfish anymore. You already have recognized that the boundaries between countries have become fainter, and the struggle for life also becomes keener. Therefore, you have to find your way yourself.

The programs we examine in our cover story show that you can have a broad outlook in Keimyung University. Actually, I was surprised to learn that my university provides so many chances for students to go abroad. However, I know through interviews with officers who are in charge of global programs that many students lack the belief that they can do it, and also lack confidence about using a second language, but students who take part in these programs are a step ahead of students who don’t. Accordingly, if you want to jump into the world, you should have belief and confidence in yourself. Most of all, don’t forget this! The Gazette webzine gives you a chance to participate in globalization. Are you ready to swim all over the world?
Kim Jeong-sook
< Copyright 2006 / The Keimyung Gazette. All rights reserved.>

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