In celebration of its 125th anniversary, KMU hosted a special event for international alumni from July 24th to July 27th, 2024. This event, which spanned three nights and four days, was designed to honor the university's global community and provide a meaningful opportunity for alumni to reconnect with their alma mater.
The event welcomed 48 alumni from Viet nam and China, who made the journey back to Daegu to participate in the celebrations. Many of the Vietnamese alumni held promi nent positions in the education sector, such as university professors and kindergarten princi pals, highlighting the significant impact of KMU’s programs on their professional lives.
The homecoming event featured a rich and diverse program aimed at reinforcing the bond between the alumni and KMU while also al lowing participants to immerse themselves once again in Korean culture. Activities in cluded a campus tour that showcased the uni versity's growth and developments since their time as students, as well as hands-on experi ences with traditional Korean cultural prac tices such as Taekwondo, Hanbok, and a tea ceremony.
In addition to the cultural and educational activities, the Vietnamese alumni, particularly those who graduated from the Early Child hood Education Leadership Program, ex pressed their gratitude and affection for their alma mater by donating 1.45 million KRW to support Vietnamese students at KMU. This special event not only provided a plat form for alumni to rekindle old friendships and make new memories, but it also under scored KMU’s ongoing commitment to nur turing its international relationships and supporting its diverse global community.