International Women's Day Celebration in International Lounge

  • 등록 2024.04.15 09:00:00

An event was held to celebrate International Women's Day at the International Lounge on March 11th, 2024. Many students participated and received flowers and played games. In addition, it was an opportunity to socialize with students from various countries by taking group pictures. I hope there will be an opportunity for many students to participate in future Women's Day events. The students who participated said, “It was an unforgettable memories that I have ever had, and also great opportunity to participate in. I hope there are more programs that foreign students can enjoy in.”  Also, other student said that “We haven’t heard about International Women’s day. It was great opportunity to learn about it.” Finally, International Lounge will continue to hold more programs for foreign students. To find out more, contact international lounge which is located in DongYoung-Hall.


Cho Su-min
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