When you walk around the Keimyung University campus, you can hear many different languages and see many people who have different appearances from you. This is because over 1000 foreign students from 90 different countries study at Keimyung University. If you have ever wanted to make a friend from a different country, I will introduce some programs and places where you can meet students from many different countries.
● Keimyung’s Global Programs
Keimyung University attracts many foreign students, so it’s possible to meet and become friends with students from many different countries. However, even though students study at the same campus, it is difficult to initiate conversations. Because of that, here are some programs to get you started.
First, there is the Buddy Program. It is a program that pairs KMU Korean students with foreign students to help the foreign students adapt to their new life at KMU. Korean students who join the Buddy program meet foreign students when they arrive, introduce the Keimyung University campus, and help them purchase necessities. Any student interested in exchange activities can apply for the program. New Buddies are selected from January to February and July to August, preceding each semester, and are appointed for one semester. You can see the notice about the Buddy Program on the Keimyung University website and download the application form there.
Second, there is the Cultural Experiences with Foreign Students Program. In this program, Korean students and foreign students who study at Keimyung University make a team to go on a culture tour. The students learn each other’s languages and cultures during the semester. Each team must consist of two Korean students, two foreign students, and an adviser because the program is a team activity. Additionally, Keimyung University provides support up to 400,000 won per team. You can fill out an application in KMU’s Center for International Affairs with successful candidates selected in September.
Third, there is the Keimyung Cross-Cultural Awareness Program (KMU-CCAP). In this program, foreign students from Keimyung University become culture exchange volunteers (CEV), teaching the culture of their countries to elementary, middle, and high school students in Dalseo-gu. Korean students can apply to be a Korean interpreter volunteer (KIV). CEVs and KIVs are dispatched together once or twice a semester to give culture lessons for 45 to 90 minutes. CEVs introduce their culture using games, songs, and dances. KIVs act as interpreters and intermediators between CEVs and teachers and students. Students’ participation runs from April to June and from October to December. Various languages are represented, and the successful applicants are selected in March. Korean students must speak a foreign language well and need to submit proof of their language ability. However, there are no restrictions for foreign students, so anyone can apply. As a benefit, an activity fee is paid for every lesson, and an activity certification can be issued after the program. If you want more details, please visit the KMU-CCAP Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/KMUCCAP) or the Office of International Affairs in Dong Young Hall.
● International Lounge
There is a special place named the International Lounge where Korean students and foreign students can meet and share their languages and cultures with each other. This place was built for language and culture exchanges, helping Korean students learn foreign languages and cultures and foreign students learn Korean language and culture. Students, exchange students, and professors can improve their understanding of other cultures and their foreign language skills by participating in various cultural events in this space. It also provides information about each country to help students study and find jobs. There are two student teaching assistants and several staff members who speak English very well. Staff members are there to introduce the Lounge, show students how to use it, and manage event schedules, so students who visit there for the first time can use this space easily. The Lounge is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. during the semester. During vacations, it is open Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. If you want to use it on the weekend, you must submit a separate application. Any student can gather here to talk, use foreign media such as CNN, AF KN, English newspapers, surf the Internet, print documents, and apply for programs or events that take place there.

The International Lounge holds several programs and events for Korean and foreign students at Keimyung University to share their languages and cultures. Here are some of the programs: Culture Week Program, Second Foreign Language Exchange Program, and World Day Program. The Culture Week Program is a program that showcases the music, movies, traditional dances, and food of a country. The cultures of eight different countries, including Korea, are shown every semester. The next one is the Second Foreign Language Program. This consists of LAS (Language Advisory Support) and K-LACE (Korean Language and Culture Exchange). LAS is a program that helps learning a second language for Korean and foreign students and is administered with the support of professors and students. One class can take up to eight students. Applications can be made at the Lounge’s information desk, and you can see notices and posters on the Lounge’s Facebook page. In addition, International Lounge membership is an essential requirement, so you must sign up at the information desk before applying for the program. K-LACE is a program that enables Korean students to help foreign students study Korean language and exchange their cultures with each other. This program helps foreign students improve their Korean language skills and learn about Korean culture. There are three levels, and classes are held every Tuesday and Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Similar to LAS, applications can be filled out at the Lounge’s information desk and notifications and posters can be found on the Lounge’s Facebook page. The last event is the International Day program. In this program, Korean students and foreign students make a team and introduce various cultures to regional elementary, middle, and high school students using cooking, games or songs. The schedule is posted on Facebook in advance, so check there for more information.
Also, the International Lounge holds many other events like St. Patrick's Day, Halloween, and Christmas parties during the semester for Korean and foreign students to enjoy together. Moreover, you can get free coffee during Coffee Time from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and watch movies during Movie Time starting from 6:30 p.m. every Friday. If you want to see more photos, visit the Lounge’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/KMULounge/) or, better yet, just visit the Lounge itself.

● Interview
Kim Ji-in (Major in Tourism Management)
1. Please introduce yourself.
I am Kim Ji-in, majoring in tourism management at Keimyung University. I’m in Japan for a working holiday right now. I participated in KMU’s Buddy program twice.
2. Why did you apply for the program?
The reason was very simple. I just want to be a Buddy. Generally, I am interested in foreign languages, so I study foreign languages with my friends and applied to JIKU, which is a foreign language dormitory. And I like to talk with foreign friends in JIKU, so I thought it would be a good experience.
3. What is your most impressive memory from program?
The first meeting was the most memorable. For me, the first time I meet a person always stays with me. The Buddy program basically introduces Keimyung University to foreign students and helps them have a good life here. After meeting, I immediately introduced Keimyung University’s campus by walking around together and we bought the daily necessities. Honestly, I was tired because it was a long walk and explanation process, but I was very excited to be helpful to them and to be close to a new person.
4. Is the program helpful for cultural exchanges with foreign students? If so, please explain.
It was very helpful. First, I can meet foreign students easily, so I can talk with them a lot. And if you can’t speak a foreign language well, they listen and try to understand what you are saying. Therefore, timid students or students who cannot speak foreign languages can make friends and build self-confidence. Also, you can learn another country’s culture by getting together.
5. What do you want to say to students who want to participate in the Buddy Program?
If there are students who are hesitating to apply, I want to tell them to apply first. I think active people get more opportunities. KMU’s environment where students can interact with foreign students is a great opportunity, and it must be very helpful for anyone who seizes the opportunity.
Keimyung University provides these programs and places for you, which are helpful to make foreign friends and build self-confidence. If you want make friends from different countries, just visit the International Lounge or KMU website and apply for one or more of these programs.
Na Ye-bin KMG Editor-in-chief