Accidents by Dogs

  • 등록 2017.12.05 19:04:14

Do you ever worry about being bitten by a dog? Recently, an entertainer’s dog bit a restaurant owner who then contracted septicemia and died from the bite. The biggest reason the dog bit the person was that he was not wearing a leash and muzzle even though he was a breed of dog that can be aggressive. Accidents like this have occurred frequently lately. Every dog is capable of losing control and biting people, so there needs to be better protection for people to prevent this situation.

Fortunately, the government just introduced a new policy and will enforce the old policy, so this situation should improve. The old policy that all dogs must be on leashes in public will be strictly enforced. The new policy that begins in March will give money to someone who reports a dog not wearing a leash and muzzle (large, aggressive dogs only) in public places. According to animal protection laws, large, aggressive dog breeds are those likely to attack people and cause injury. Some of the breeds are Tosa, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and Rottweiler. Also, the fines for having a dog outside without a leash and muzzle will increase more than four times. More than 40,000 cases per year at eleven Han River parks have been reported, so these policies should be implemented more strictly.

Additionally, everyone should observe the rules of ‘petiquette.’ Petiquette is a combination of pet and etiquette, and it means the proper way to control and handle pets. People who raise dogs should always keep their dogs on leashes when outside because the dogs might jump around when they are excited. Muzzles are important for large, aggressive dogs to prevent them from biting. Also, ordinary people should not suddenly approach or touch dogs because they might be surprised and bite them. Additionally, when people feel that dogs are going to attack them, they should slowly back away and not run because the dogs might chase after them.

Many pet owners say “My dog won’t hurt you,” but they cannot be sure about this. There are also a number of people who have an aversion to dogs. We must not forget that our dogs can be a threat to someone and cause personal injury. Also, we need to try to make the world people and dogs live together.
Choi Eun-gyu
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