Daegu Global Game Culture Festival

2017.09.05 00:53:24

Location : Daegu Dongseongno outdoor stage
Date : 2017.09.22 ~ 2017.09.24

If you like games, I recommend the Daegu Global Game Culture Festival in Dongseongno as a great place to visit.
Now, Daegu has established businesses such as the Daegu Global Game Center, Game Academy, and Global Game Culture Festival e-fun etc, for changing awareness of games as pop culture and rasing competitiveness in the local game industry.
The main events of the festival are a game video concert, and civic RPG, and a game experience zone. The game video concert is a combination of game and concert. The game video concert is designed to demonstrate games’ OST with the game video, as well as the orchestra’s performance.
The Civic Center RPG is a game in which the players take on a virtual role and follow a set of rules. To participate here, participants must apply online in advance, and after the application, you can recieve goods through a mission when you gain the highest mark.
You can also experience online games (e.g. LOL), mobile games (e.g. Game Vil), classical games (e.g. Tetris), VR game, board games (e.g. Rummi Kub), and Console games (e.g. Wii) in the Game Experience Zone.
Other events included a game contest, talk concert, costume play zone, and face painting zone.
In the Cosplay Zone, visitors can take pictures with game characters, and in the Face Paining Zone, they can have game characters drawn on their face.
With this global game culture festival, it is possible to experience various games and programs in person. We would like to recommend this festival to people who like games or are interested in gaming.
Kang Na-yeong qpfk38@stu.kmu.ac.kr
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