Pohang International Fireworks Festival

2017.06.08 10:04:27

Location:The entire area of Hyeongsangang Sports Park and of Yeongildae Beach Resort
Address: 95, Haean-ro, Buk-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea 685-1, Duho-dong, Buk-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea
Date: 2017.07.26. (Wed.) ~ 2017.07.30. (Sun.)

What image occurs to you when you hear ‘Pohang’? I want to introduce you to the Pohang International Fireworks Festival which is held in Pohang,‘ the city of Fire and of Light’ . Posco, a global steel company, started to held a fireworks show on Pohang Citizen’s Day in 2004. Tt is now one of International fireworks festivals held in Korea.

The theme of the show which is ‘Light and Fire’ and is the beginning demonstration at the Pohang International Fireworks Festival. ‘Light’ represents Pohang, and ‘Fire’ represents the steel mill’s melting furnace.

During the annual vacation season which runs from the end of July to early August, Pohang hosts various events. These events include not only the International Fireworks Festival, but also many events which are a fusion of industrial and cultural concepts. busking, Yeongil-Bay watergun battle, fishing events and many other performances as well as tens of thousands of beautiful fireworks were prepared. What about spending vacation in Pohang with your friends or family? Pohang would welcome you.
Seo Jae-kyung tjworud2887@kmu.ac.kr
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