2017 Daegu International Textile Fair

  • 등록 2017.04.17 14:08:25

At the 2017 Daegu International Textile Fair, which was held from March 8-10, KMU students from the Fashion Marketing Department attracted a lot of attention. They participated in the fair as Da-Mi Lab (Daegu-Milano Laboratory), which was a joint Daegu-Milan booth.

The students were responsible for installing and planning the booth, talking about products, directing products’ design, and exhibiting them. At the fair, they exhibited five bags that were designed by fashion marketing students for their graduation exhibition last year and made by artisans of a company called Gli Artegianim Ilano. The bags’ unique, Korean design attracted the attention of buyers.
Choi Eun-gyu eungyu410@kmu.ac.kr
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