Homecoming Day with Overseas Volunteers

2015.05.03 17:08:44

Keimyung University graduates who worked as overseas volunteers visited Keimyung on April 25.

About 500 students who have participated in overseas volunteers since 2011 organized the Keimyung Dream Team. And they had a homecoming day event at the Main Field on Seongseo campus. They shared some experiences from China, Nepal, Vietnam, Mongolia, the Philippines, Cambodia, and Laos, where they did volunteer work together. They collected donations for their university juniors, about 6,500,000 won on the spot, and they donated the money to overseas volunteer work expenses for their juniors in university.

The Keimyung Dream Team president, Hong Seung-woo (32), said, “It was about 15 days short voluntary service, but the most precious experience in my life.” Keimyung University overseas volunteers started as a reforestation program in China to reduce damage from yellow-dust in 2002.
Kwon Ji-min ooo3289@kmu.ac.kr
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