Letters from Readers

2009.12.07 19:45:49

Exchange Student from Finland

I had been studying for over two months in Keimyung University before I heard about the Keimyung Gazette. For me it was a surprise that the university publishes a newspaper in English. When I first glanced at the newspaper, I found it interesting. I have read only one issue of the Gazette but I should definitely read more issues to familiarize myself better with the newspaper. However, my first impression about the Gazette was good. It contains various articles and I think that there is something for everyone. From my point of view, the article about unemployment and finding a job was particularly interesting because I have to find a summer job for next summer.

It was useful to get advice from graduates of KMU and interesting to find out about the cultural differences between Korea and Finland. However, one of the inconvenient things is that the Gazette isn’t well-known. Like I said, I had never heard about it even though I have studied here for over two months. Maybe it’s known among Koreans but not among the exchange students. The Gazette should be made known for foreigners as well. When that is done, maybe there could be a section for exchange students who could express their impressions about Korean life. They could also tell something about their culture. Hopefully, theGazette will be better known among exchange students when the next issue of the newspaper is published.
By Halonen Mikko
Department of Accounting

The Gazette can play a Big Role

Whenever I have free time, I usually stay in the International Lounge. If you are interested in English or other languages, you should know about it. One day, I was annoyed with my boring life, and so I was looking for something new in the Lounge. At that moment, I discovered an English newspaper. It was The Keimyung Gazette. I was really curious, so I began to read it. After a few minutes, I was a little bit surprised to find that the Gazette was very informative. Moreover, when I figured out that it was written by students, I was surprised again. All of the articles in the newspaper were written very clearly. Also, it contained essential information for students. I thought that it is helpful for students who want to study English, and for foreign students as well. However, I think we could add two more things to develop the Gazette.

The first thing is to advertise it more among students, so that they know the Gazette exists. As I said, I usually stay in the International Lounge. Despite the fact that the Lounge is a place where people come to study English, I have never seen students who read or study using the Gazette. I am not sure how many schools publish English newspapers. However, the most important thing is that Keimyung is publishing its own English newspaper. It can be a good opportunity for Keimyung students to become more familiar with English. Therefore, I insist that the Gazette should endeavor to promote itself more.

The second thing is that you should write more about students’ opinions: what they think about the school, education, professors, policies, and so on. I know that they are sensitive issues to deal with, but I think sometimes we need to follow an old saying, "Take the bull by the horns." What I want to say is that if you get started on that, I believe that the Gazette will play a bigger role in Keimyung University.

Finally, I am honored to participate in this work. I am looking forward to see the Gazette’s success and prosperity with all of my heart.

By Jung Jae-kyu
Junior, Dept. of English Language and Literature
Ryu Ji-youn whitefox11@kmu.ac.kr
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