Keimyung University and Goryeong-Gun Cooperate with Goryeong-Gun's National School

2009.01.18 23:12:22

Keimyung University and Goryeong-Gun are cooperating to make Keimyung Goryeong-Gun's national school. President Synn Il-hi visited Goryeong-Gun and confirmed Keimyung as Goryeong-Gun's national school. On December 15, Lee Tae-gun, the county headman of Goryeong-Gun, nominated a special professor to promote more active interchange between Keimyung and Goryeong-Gun.

Both parties concluded an agreement with each other and the four clauses they decided upon are as follows: development of the local area, sharing data related to study and administration, and public welfare and education for the community. The two parties confirmed that they will do their best to keep the agreement.
Cho Min-sung
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