Brief on KMU

Keimyung Civic Education Center Museum University Academy Open

 Keimyung University is recruiting academy students for the first semester of 2022 at the Museum University of Keimyung Civic Education Center, which opened to provide a venue for civic education. The academy to be opened this time is historical and cultural academy with the theme of Into the History and Culture of Spain and a special academy with the theme of Into the History of the Three Kingdoms. The Historical and Cultural Academy, which runs every Tuesday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on a 12-week course from March 8th to May 24th, aims to provide lectures by experts in the field and conduct two cultural heritage tours. The specialized academy is a 12-week course from March 11th to June 3rd and runs from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. every Friday. 
 The two academies held by the Museum University of Keimyung Civic Education Center can be applied through the website before the start of the semester, and inquiries can be made to Keimyung University Haengso Museum (053-580-6992-3). The tuition fee is 180,000 won each.