
The Real-Life MBA


  • Written by Jack Welch and Suzy Welch
  • language: Korean
  • ISBN: 9788901204482
  • Published in Jun 25, 2015 
  • 328 pages


 The Real-Life MBA is an realistic work on an innovative management strategy written by Jack Welch. Jack Welch joined General Electric (GE) and helped the company achieve a rate of growth of 4000%. Based on the main themes of It's about the game, It's about the team, and It's about you, the book gives careful guidance to managers who wonder how to manage a company well, to employees who wonder how to effectively increase their capabilities beyond surviving, and to undergraduate students as to what attitude and values they should have when they join a company in the future. In this book, Welch expresses his views on the various questions and problems that may arise in management rather than providing managerial knowledge in his distinctive frank and convincing way of speaking. His arguments include a variety of examples from his 30 years of direct and indirect participation in management, raising the sense of realism and calling the reader's attention more. Furthermore, his direct advice seems often appropriate for everyday situations in the field, for instance he suggests managers to leave growth projects to the best employees and fire employees who do not cooperate with the organization even if they have excellent capabilities.  Readers may accept Welch’s advice uncritically, but he emphasizes in every sentence that everything depends on the choice of the reader. In other words, he emphasizes that the reader should decide whether to accept his advice or not. This book is recommended for anyone who has a general knowledge of management and can actively use the author's advice in accordance with their situation.