Let's Go on a Visit

Global Fair & Festival 2009, Incheon

Time : Fri.. Aug. 7, 2009~Sat., Oct. 25
Place : Main Event site in Songdo International City in Incheon
Location : Get off at the Central Park Subway Station on the Incheon Line

The Global Fair & Festival 2009 in Incheon was held under the theme ‘Around the World’s cities in 80 Days.’ You may have heard about this festival on TV, on-line, or newspapers. Why do so much media advertise this event? Let’s find out the reasons.
Firstly, this event is not just for Incheon, but for the whole country, which makes it possible to operate the new developmental engine of the nation in making Korea an advanced country. The event has the bright vision of contributing to the gateway to Northeast Asian business and making Korea a worldwide brand, while presenting a city developmental model of Korea and revitalizing foreign investment. In addition, it is an event which can make Korea share the happiness of mankind and our future city vision, and even to make us reflect on our culture and environment.

The festival can be divided into three parts: exhibitions, festivals and conferences.
The exhibition part is sub-divided into four parts. First, in the City-Enterprise Zone, you can see one hundred cities in the Global City Pavilion. Each booth is decorated with its own interior designs which represent the characteristics of its nation, providing viewers with good picture-taking opportunities. In addition, there are native people there who give snacks or tea that are representative of their nation.

Second, in the High Technology Zone, there is a Robot Science Pavilion where you can view a Robot Theme Park, a Robot Zoo, and Roborama.

Third, in the Environment-Energy Zone, the Green Growth Hall is the best place to visit. Here, you can see the climatic change and new paradigm of 21st century cities. You can also try making energy by riding a bicycle. It is so good to hear of the stories about the Green Growth Industry, including solar and wind power.
Fourth, in the World Culture Zone, the Teddy Bear Pavilion is the most popular place. There are many teddy bears which have their own unique characteristics, including The Little Prince and The Lord of the Rings. On all sides, there are so many photo zones where you can take pictures with the bears. In addition, in the Road of World Culture, the World Carnival Festival is held at 3 o’clock everyday, where you can view cultures from many countries.

As well as the opening and closing ceremonies, a performance of the Asian Philharmonic Orchestra under the command of the famous Korean conductor, Chung Myung-whun, a global marathon, a taekwondo contest, and even a housewives’ singing contest are also held.
Conferences are held with distinguished guests, including experts from the fields of culture and environment. Examples include the Asia Pacific Cities Summit, the Global Environment Forum 2009, and the World City Waster Forum.

As you can see, the Global Fair & Festival 2009 in Incheon is very interesting and educational. While watching the site where citizens of the world enjoy Korean technology and culture, the Gazette felt that Korea was well-situated in the world.
You can get more information about the event on-line at: http://www.incheonfair.org/