No. 151 Puzzle

2012.03.06 14:36:51

1. It is a soft, orange fruit that looks rather like a large tomato.
3. It is a bird that is raised on a farm for its eggs and for its meat.
5. In the movie Rocky Balboa, Rocky is a retired _____.
7. It is the natural world of land, sea, air, plants, and animals. We can keep it clean by recycling paper and cans.
8. Please, ____ me the secret! I promise you I’ll keep the secret.

1. It is a small area of water that is smaller than a lake. It is often made artificially.
2. Wow, this tteokbokki is really _____! I need to drink water.
4. You can refer to the events of the past as _______.
6. It is a building by a railway line where trains stop so that people can get on or off.
9. It is a building where people stay and pay for their rooms and meals.

If you complete the puzzle, please e-mail us at with your personal information and cell phone number for a small gift.
Jeong Jin-yeong
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