The Happiest Moment of My Life

2011.12.06 12:17:46

I was very frustrated when I entered the University and tried to do something besides school work. However, I found a poster about a cultural exchange program called “Au Pair” on campus. At that time, I didn’t realize that would be a big change in my life.

Going to the States was my dream for a long time. I asked my parents to let me go to the States during my school years, but my parents didn’t let a little girl go abroad alone. However, a big girl who used to be a little girl made it happen finally! It turned out well because I was just right for an au pair.

Now, you might be curious about what an au pair is and what you have to do to become an au pair. Basically, an au pair is almost the same as a live-in nanny or babysitter. They not only babysit but also help their host families know the languages and cultures of their countries. Therefore, au pairs can be unofficial ambassadors of their countries. If you want to become an au pair, you should speak at least intermediate English, have a driver’s license, and have over 200 hours experience taking care of kids. Guys also can apply for this program. If you love kids and want to experience real American culture, this would be the best program for you. Anyway, I applied for this program when I was a sophomore and started to do the paperwork. After my paperwork was done, one family sent me an email and that family became my host family.

The Pyo family is a Korean-American family, but they speak in English at home. I took care of three beautiful girls, Annika (6), Penelope (3), and baby Camille (15 months). We became very close like a real family. Moreover, baby Camille became my best friend because I had to stay with her 10 hours a day. Annika always helped me and took care of her sisters as a big sister. Penelope was the cutest and most mischievous girl among the three girls.

Whenever my host family went somewhere, they always asked me to go there with them, so I took trips with them. I went to Hawaii and Disney World in Florida with them. They treated me very well as their first daughter, friend, and big sister. Also, I really loved staying with them as their au pair and a new family member from Korea. I was very lucky to meet my host family. Now, baby Cami, who has just started to walk, is becoming a big girl and she can even talk well. I feel sad that I cannot see the little sisters and my host parents. However, we still keep in touch with each other often and have video chats.

During the paid vacation or free time, I traveled to Mexico, Las Vegas, San Diego, Canada, and other cities. I met many friends from all over the world. That’s why I say being an au pair in the States was the happiest time of my life. If you want to try something new and adventurous, I highly recommend being an au pair.

By Seo Yeon-joo
Junior, Dept. of American Studies

Seo Yeon-joo
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