Awarding of Scholarships Donated by Individual Sponsors and Supporter's Organizations

2011.02.15 13:26:25

On February 10, the ceremony of awarding scholarships was held in Keimyung University’s Hengso museum audio-visual room. 58 students were awarded scholarships, which were donated by individual sponsors, and 20 students were awarded scholarships which were donated by supporter's organizations. Students received 50% of their tuition fees as a scholarship.

Keimyung University president Synn Il-hi, Keimyung College president Kim Nam-suk, and three other representatives presented the students, one by one, shaking their hands. President Synn emphasized two things. First, to study hard, and the other to give something back to society. At the end, professor Lee Hwa-yeong sang a beautiful celebration.
Sung Woo-hyun
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