2010 Seoul Food Safety Contest

2010.11.22 16:43:34

On November 10, the “Allergy-free” team comprised of students from the Department of Food and Nutrition was awarded the grand prize in the field of new food development at the 2010 Seoul Food Safety Contest sponsored by the Seoul Food Safety Information (FSI). The purpose of the contest was making a healthy city through safe food. The “Allergy-free” team participated in the contest with the theme “Replacing Allergy-Causing Elements.”

The “Allergy-free” team replaced ingredients causing allergies with safe ingredients. For example, they replaced cream with soymilk, tomato with Korean raspberries, ice cream with avocado and soymilk, and cheese with sticky rice. They replaced the ingredients but created a similar taste while reducing allergic reactions.

The team said, “We will do our best to develop our knowledge and ability as students of the Department of Food and Nutrition.” Then, they donated half of the prize money (one million won) to their department.
Jung Eun-bee jeb0076@kmu.ac.kr
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