What Do You Think about the International Lounge?

2008.09.08 17:34:23

The Keimyung Gazette questioned 200 Keimyung University students about the International Lounge.

1. Do you know about the International Lounge?
① I have just heard of it (24%)
② I have used it once or twice (43%)
③ I frequently visit and use it (12%)
④ I don't have any information about it (21%)

2. If you use the International Lounge's services, what is the reason?
① To study English (36%)
② To study other foreign languages (16%)
③ To meet foreigners (7%)
④ To have fun (11%)
⑤ To use the facilities there (16%)
⑥ Other (14%)

3. If you hesitate to use the International Lounge's services, what is the reason?
① Lack of information (41%)
② Fear of meeting foreigners (20%)
③ Stress of using foreign languages (8%)
④ Too far to go (9%)
⑤ Other (22%)

4. What do you think is the best event held in the International Lounge?
① Weekly Movie (34%)
② English Cafe (26%)
③ US Embassy Cyber Lecture (14%)
④ Many parties (for example, welcoming party for international students) (10%)
⑤ Other (16%)

5. Will you visit the International Lounge?
① Yes, I'll use the International Lounge a lot (33%)
② I'll use it sometimes (45%)
③ No, I don't think so (22%)

The Keimyung Gazette found that more than half of Keimyung students visit the International Lounge. Also, more than three quarters of students intend to visit the International Lounge this semester. Many students in Keimyung University have good opinions about the International Lounge, but some still lack information about it.

By KMG Junior Reporters
Cho Min-sung cho5744@kmu.ac.kr
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